Family Law Mediator – Tarrant County

As of February 2022, Rashelle Fetty will be performing family law mediations both in person and via Zoom.

While we do aggressively litigate disputes when necessary, we have found that in many situations,  mediation can be more peaceful, less expensive, and lead to a happier outcome for everyone involved. A great mediator helps negotiate and problem solve with all parties while remaining unbiased and neutral/focusing on the goals of the parties.

We believe mediation can help resolve the issues in a divorce or other family dispute. Generally speaking, mediation offers a number of advantages, including:

  • You and your spouse, along with your lawyers, may be able to create a settlement that is tailored specifically to each person’s needs. In litigation, a judge will be required to follow specific laws when deciding your case. In addition, the judge only knows the facts of your case, and not you as a person. In mediation, you, along with your spouse, can develop a plan that addresses every part of your divorce.
  • We have found that mediation, often provides greater peace and closure than does litigation.

Call today to schedule Rashelle Fetty as your family law mediator so that you can start working on finding a way to problem solve all of your family’s issues without having to go before a judge.